THE BUTCHER AND THE BRIDGE – A Musical Stage Production

Another October is around the corner, Yay! This means that the dance club I am a member of is gearing up for another mind-blowing event! As always its going to be EPIC and in order to share the love we’ll … Continue reading THE BUTCHER AND THE BRIDGE – A Musical Stage Production

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Life, death & things worth living for: Robin Williams

Where shall I start from?  There is a lot to talk about.  Maybe I shall talk about them in one long and hopefully-not-too-boring post, or I shall break it down in a few short posts.  As someone who procrastinates simply because she over-thinks and over-analyzes things, I shall dive straight into it and lets see where it shall take us! Robin Williams dies at age 63 I was really sad to hear that Robin Williams passed away.  I am a fan of his and always enjoyed his movies. As some critics said, he did have a childlike charm and the … Continue reading Life, death & things worth living for: Robin Williams

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Be Yourself!

I was watching last year’s MTV Movie Awards last night and was basically just enjoying the entertainment, when for the first time, a “Trailblazer” award was being presented to Emma Stone.  To be honest I don’t know her, and am yet to go through her list of movies to see if I’ve watched any, but something about the award presentation intrigued me. First of all there was a video clip where her colleagues and friends had a thing or two to say about her, after which she was presented with the award. She now gave her own speech, which I … Continue reading Be Yourself!

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Let me In!!!

I was watching a (not so) horror movie the other day titled “Let me in”. It is about a young boy (Owen) and a vampire girl (Abby) and the series of events that brings them together. There is this scene where Abby comes to visit Owen, and she stands at the door of his home.  Owen doesn’t say a thing and assumes that she will walk in but she says “No, you have to let me in”.  He doesn’t say a thing and steps away from the door, so she walks in, but soon starts to bleed from the head.  … Continue reading Let me In!!!

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Lost and found Pt 1

I cannot find the beginning to this story. Every time I think I have found it, I realise that there was something that preceded that moment, which preceded another moment, and the further back I go, the more history seems to light up, and as I sit here, I realise that if I were to truly tell this story and give it any real justice, I would have to write a book, and a book will come, but not today, so I will have to pick the part of the story which I love the most, and make that the… Continue reading Lost and found Pt 1

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Growing up with Grey Hair…

Stranger: “You’ve got grey hair!” Me: “Yes I do.” Stranger: “You’re very lucky o.” Me: “Really? Why?” Stranger: “Because you will be rich in future.  It also means you have wisdom” Me: “I claim it in Jesus name o!” *sigh*  That”s the usual conversation I have with people on an almost daily basis, when they observe that as young and as beautiful (*batting eyelids*) as I am, I am greying.   It all started when I was 12 years old and in boarding school. I was talking to mommy when she exclaimed in surprise “you have one grey hair!” Before … Continue reading Growing up with Grey Hair…

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Let’s see a movie?

Me, I like to watch TV. I’m the sort that could stay up an extra hour watching some interesting  documentary, the food channel  or cartoons. As kids, I, Hoomsuk & Kemen would sneak into the living room at night after everyone had gone to sleep, turn on the TV and watch black and white movies with the volume turned off. We would just stare at the pictures. Better still if the movie was a re-run; we could replay the lines in our heads. Growing up, horror movies were watched in the afternoons with ice-cream to go, that way we were … Continue reading Let’s see a movie?

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